National Wellness & Fitness Association

couple happy with dental plan smiling

As a NCD by MetLife policy holder, you are also a member of the National Wellness and Fitness Association (NWFA). The NWFA have provided top-tier discounts and up-to-date advice that will help you and your family stay physically strong, emotionally stimulated, and financially at peace.

For more information, you can go to

No two members are the same, which is why we offer different options for benefits that best fit your life. Click on each plan name to learn more about the NWFA benefits available with that specific plan. Click on each benefit name to open a more detailed look at that benefit in a new window!


National Wellness & Fitness Association Benefits

National Wellness and Fitness Assoc.
12444 Powerscourt Drive, Suite 500a
St. Louis, MO 63131

NCD manages insurance and non-insurance products for individuals and members of associations. Check your policy for details

Products are not available in all states. Please call (800) 979-8266 to verify current state availability.
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